As per the Rising Tide Housing Policy, there are several steps related to the selection process:
a) Review of the By-Name List to seek out potential candidates
b) Confer with non-profit partners to review potential candidates
c) Identify level of support services in place between the non-profit partner and Rising Tide to give the best chance of keeping the individual housed
d) Determine if the candidate would be a good fit in the proposed building.

Currently, the final decision is made by Rising Tide management team, in consultation with staff and/or the board’s Tenant Selection Committee.

Names are generated from the BNL and/or community partner who is supporting clients via case management supports.

Because we receive our referrals from either the BNL or a community partner, a tenant would first need to be attached to one of these organizations and be committed to case management supports to be housed with Rising Tide. So far, units in our buildings (or entire buildings for that matter) have been attributed to a specific organization who then works in collaboration with Rising Tide to support the tenants that have been selected.

Candidates pay 30% of their income towards the rental of unit which is pre-determined by Social Development.

Peer support in each building, case management personnel, social workers, nurse, and human resources counsellor are available to each client on a case-by-case basis appropriate to the level of care required for each person.

The Greater Moncton Homelessness Steering Committee consists of non-profit organizations that are working to reduce and eliminate homelessness in the community. Rising Tide has representation within the GMHSC.

Rising Tide does provide funding to its non-profits partners related to the staffing of support workers and case managers who are engaged with tenants of Rising Tide.

Crossroads, YMCA, YWCA-Moncton, Harvest House, SALVUS, FACT-Horizon, John Howard, Ensemble.

We also sit on the HART. (https://www.monctonhomelessness.org/partners)

Financially, our tenants have a yearly review through NB Housing/Social Development who determines the cost of everyone’s rent. We receive a letter confirming this amount titled Rent Confirmation. We want to ensure we are relieving poverty, our target clientele is chronically homeless individuals, most of which are recipients of social assistance (below poverty rate in Canada).